Monday, March 4, 2013

Sheiko #37 W2D1 - Impromptu Sub-max test


Weight 213.2

It's week 2 of #37 and everything is going pretty well. The elbow tenderness that forced me to reverse grip on bench press is gone completely, but I will continue to bench underhand for the rest of this cycle. Squats are going extremely well, with just a small recurrence of hip flexor tightness that reverberates pain throughout my right lower back region. After hitting 90% on squats and bench in week 3 of routine #29 I decided that I need to test my maxes to see how far they have gone upward (if at all). I don't really want to mess with the program too much though and won't go for a true 1RM. Instead I'll do something I picked up from when I interned for Boston College Strength and Conditioning and do a sub-max test!

Sheiko #37 has 5x2x80% for squat and bench on day 1. Instead, I'm going to adjust this to:
1x max reps x 90%

If I complete more than 3 reps at 90% I'm going to up my training max numbers by 10 pounds (

The results are below in video!

Squats x 5 reps (and still had 1 or 2 more in the tank, but my back was yelling at me)

Bench Press x 5 reps