Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Return to (B)Logging!

It's been a while.... A lot has happened over the last few months with training, work and other things that have pretty much put the blog on the back burner.. Less time to cook - not to mention an unexpected "get shredded" contest at work - has minimized my ability to make what I would normally eat. The last 2 months have been mostly baked chicken, sweet potatoes, oatmeal and egg whites! Not to say that I'm suffering...

Training-wise the Sheiko experiment failed for me (or I should say I failed IT) much as in the first time I experimented with Sheiko in college. I'm not sure what exactly it is, but I have an idea that the relentless deadlifting from week to week has something to do with it. Short story, I am a strong puller, but have always had problems when deadlifting with frequency (ie high intensity pulls each and every week). I thought that maybe this time around it would be different, but it was not so and my back has suffered. I did not compete in the USAPL meet I had set my sights on because of nagging injuries. Now however, I'm back in charge of my lifting and things are going well.

Heres a log of training today:

Weight - 209.2

Squats - 135x12, 185x12, 225x10, 275x10, 315x10, 385x12+5+5 (rest 30s cluster set)
Hammer Linear Hack Squat - 315x15, 405x15, 495x15, 585x15, 675x10+5 (rest 5s without racking)
(The Hammer LHS falls somewhere between a leg press and a squat in terms of relative ease)
Straight Legged Barbell RDL - 135x15, 185x15, 225x15, 275x15, 315x15
Walking Lunges - 100x3x40
Single Leg Quad Extensions - 4x15
Laying Ham Curls - 4x15
Seated Calf Raises - 4x15
Double Leg Quad Extensions - 3x20
Seated Ham Curls - 3x15
Standing Calf Raises - 3x15

There should be a USAPL meet in Mass in late November/December, but the official date has not been announced. The goal is to get to 219 bodyweight by that time and put myself in position to best my personal records from last fall! Also I'll be looking to put up some videos of anything notable during the workouts and of course start logging my meals again. There will be a healthy twist to the menu though! I'm looking to gain as much muscle as possible with minimum fat gain, therefore the food choices will be somewhat limited but I hope more informative than artistic...

See you next time!

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