Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Max Effort Press

Weight - 210.8

Incline - 135x10, 185x5, 225x3, 275x1, 315x1, 355x1
DB Seated Shoulder Press - 80x10, 100x10, 110x9
3" Board Close Grip Bench w/ Green Jump-Stretch Bands - 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 315x3, 275x10
Single Arm DB Tricep Extensions, Across Body - 50x2x10, 55x2x10
Shoulder Assistance Work - DB Raises, Face Pulls, Shrugs
Pull Ups - 4x8

This is supposed to be a deload week after doggin' it last week. I prefer to drop overall training volume when I need to deload, and pick exercises that have a lower absolute load such as barbell military press or front squats so I can still push to keep my central nervous system up. Weight was down after 5 days without training. I typically eat much less on days that I don't train to stay lean. So my energy was not the best and hydration was likely less than optimal.
Maxed out on incline, hit a solid 355 with a 2 second pause. Not my best effort on incline ever, but with the pause I'll take it. Still feeling the pec strain, and trying to roll and stretch whenever I get the chance. If I can manage to not work myself in to the ground I'll be fine - but then again that is always the same issue. Tomorrow is maxing out on front squats, and I'm looking forward to making a run at a 400+ front squat which would be a PR.


  1. You are doing a great job being mindful and paying attention to your body - my very professional opinion. lol. I hope your body begins feeling better soon. Take care!
